Create a Limited user account, and turn off Auto-run in Control Panel (how do I do that) 5. Install Windows XP SP2 American version with MUI-Pack, and install additional software and drivers from HP. Wiping the data requires locating the file and completely removing it. Use WipeDrive System Saver to wipe my internal harddrive. These are completely different processes. The 6 Hard Drive Disk Wiper/Wipe Software Note: Wiping a hard drive is not the same as deleting your files or formatting a drive. Securely erase all data from PCs and laptops. Wiping a hard drive might take many hours to days, depending on the hard disk type, software, and procedure used.

If you want to permanently erase a hard drive and make the data completely unrecoverable, you can employ hard drive wipe software to erase the hard drive permanently. The DriveStrike operating system will load into RAM on the laptop and once fully booted up you are prompted to select a drive erasure method, remove the. Even if you overwrite some new data on the hard disk, some data may remain recoverable if the new data does not take up the entire cluster space used by the old data. You can recover deleted data and files from your hard drive using data recovery software. Instead, such files remain on the hard drive, and only the data reference is removed from the allocation table, making it impossible to access. When you delete a file or folder, you click the delete option, and the file is removed from your drive however, deleting the files does not erase them from your hard drive.

The Difference Between Data Wiping and Deleting